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P.O. Box 10351,
Adelaide Business Centre
South Australia 5000

The IceArena
23 James Congdon Drive,
Thebarton SA,
Phone: (08) 8352 7977
Tuesday from 7:15pm on

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You can also see the Official BASA Gear here

Sell your old or not so old broomball gear. Got a spare stick you no longer need. If you have any items for sale, please complete the form below and the Webmaster will update the site with your items ASAP. Just enter a seperate entry for each item. Items will be advertised for 30 days (or until sold) and will automatically be removed after the month period. They may of course be resubmitted if still unsold. To manage spam and unsolicited items, that are perhaps not in the spirit of this site, they will be vetted and will not be advertised. Submissions will be accepted from current or past BASA members, or other non commercial Broomball related activity.
BASA Accepts no responsibility for the sale, loss or failure of any transaction. These are entirely at your own risk.

You can also check out the BASA Online Shop for apparel and other gear.

Sorry, the entry form has been removed to be replaced shortly with a security coded data entry, to prevent spam (we are getting hit now with too much to deal with), so until then, it's disabled.

query("INSERT INTO TG_whos_online (timestamp, ip, file) VALUES('$timestamp','".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."','".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."')") or die("Error in who's online insert query!"); //Delete Users $delete = $mysqli->query("DELETE FROM TG_whos_online WHERE timestamp<$timeout") or die("Error in who's online delete query!"); //Fetch Users Online $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM TG_whos_online") or die("Error in who's online result query!"); $users = $result->num_rows; //Show Who's Online if($users == 1) { print("$users Guest Online \n"); } else { print("$users Guests Online \n"); } $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM TG_whos_online order by id desc limit 0,1") or die("Error in who's online result query!"); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); //Show Who's Online print("and $row[id] visits since 25 July 2006.\n"); // $result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT ip, file FROM TG_whos_online") or die("Error in who's online read result query!"); // while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result) ) //{ // Query for getting visitor countrycode $country_query = "SELECT country_code2,country_name FROM iptocountry WHERE IP_FROM<=inet_aton('".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."') AND IP_TO>=inet_aton('".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."')"; // Executing above query $country_result = $mysqli->query($country_query); // Fetching the record set into an array $ccode_array=$country_result->fetch_assoc(); // getting the country code from the array $country_code=$ccode_array['country_code2']; // getting the country name from the array $country_name=$ccode_array['country_name']; if (strlen($country_name) <= 1) { $country_name = 'HACKERSVILLE'; } $insert = $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO BASA_WEB_STATS (ip, page,country) VALUES('".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."','".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."','$country_name')") or die("Error in who's online insert query!"); // } $mysqli->close(); ?>
BASA Website modified on 26-Mar-18
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