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_backend = true; } /** * [STRING $error] = error([STRING $error]) * Set and/or get errors. */ function error($error = ""){ if($error) $this->_error[] = $error; return implode("
",$this->_error); } /** * BOOL $match = checkPost(VOID) * Check if the posted STI form fields matched. */ function checkPost(){ //Get the MD5 key and do the match if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'){ //check witch backend if($this->_backend === true){ //do it with the session backend... if($_SESSION[$this->_STIkeyName] == md5(strtoupper($_REQUEST[$this->_STIimgString]))){ unset($_SESSION[$this->_STIkeyName],$_SESSION['STI_imageSource']); return true; } }else{ //with hardisk backend if($_REQUEST[$this->_STIkeyName] == md5(strtoupper($_REQUEST[$this->_STIimgString])) && file_exists($this->_backend."/".$_REQUEST[$this->_STIkeyName])){ //remove image... unlink($this->_backend."/".$_REQUEST[$this->_STIkeyName]); return true; } //try to remove... supress errors, file may be not there because we have a lame hacker... @unlink($this->_backend."/".$_REQUEST[$this->_STIkeyName]); } return false; } return null; } /** * STRING $hiddenFormInput = parseKeyInput(VOID) * Parse complete hidden form input with md5 key. */ function parseKeyInput(){ return "_STIkeyName}\" value=\"".$this->getKey()."\">"; } /** * STRING $stringFormInput = parseStringInput(VOID) * Parse complete form input for string input. */ function parseStringInput(){ return "_STIimgString}\" value=\"\" size=\"".($this->getCharAmount() + 1)."\" maxlength=\"".$this->getCharAmount()."\">"; } /** * VOID setStringType(STRING $type) * Alowed types: * 'int' = only numbers * 'char' = only chars * 'varchar' = both numbers and chars */ function setStringType($type){ $a = array('int','char','varchar'); if(in_array($type,$a)) $this->_stringType = $type; else $this->error("String type '$type' not alowed, only these: ".implode(", ",$a)); } /** * [ARRAY $fonts] = setFont([STRING $path]) * Set and get path to font or fonts. */ function setFont($path = ""){ if(file_exists(realpath($path))) $this->_fonts[] = realpath($path); else $this->error("Couldn't find path to font: $path"); return $this->_fonts; } /** * [ARRAY $fonts] = getFonts(VOID) * Get all path's to font or fonts. */ function getFonts(){ return $this->_fonts; } /** * [ARRAY $colors] = setColor([STRING $color]) * Set and get colors. Input can be HEX or a comma seperated rgb value */ function setColor($color){ if($color) $this->_colors[] = $color; return $this->_colors; } /** * [ARRAY $colors] = getColors(VOID) * Get all colors as an array. */ function getColors(){ return $this->_colors; } /** * VOID setCharAmount(INT $amount) * Set amount of chars in the image. */ function setCharAmount($am){ $this->_amount = $am; } /** * INT $amount = getCharAmount(VOID) * Get amount of chars in the image. */ function getCharAmount(){ return $this->_amount; } /** * VOID setBackgroundColor(STRING $color) * Set background color. Input can be HEX or a comma seperated rgb value. * This will be over ruled by setBackgroundImage() */ function setBackgroundColor($color){ $this->_backgroundColor = $color; } /** * VOID setBackgroundTransparent(BOOL $trans) * Set transparent background color. (anti aliased) * This will be over ruled by setBackgroundImage() */ function setBackgroundTransparent($trans){ $this->_backgroundTransparent = $trans; } /** * VOID setBackgroundImage(STRING $path) * Set the path to the background image. */ function setBackgroundImage($path){ $path = realpath($path); if(file_exists($path)){ list($w,$h,$t) = getimagesize($path); switch($t){ case 1: $type = 'gif'; break; case 2: $type = 'jpeg'; break; case 3: $type = 'png'; break; } if($t > 0 && $t < 4){ $this->_template = array( 'path' => $path, 'width' => $w, 'height' => $h, 'type' => $type, 't' => $t ); }else{ $this->error("Wrong type '$type'. Could not use background: $path"); } }else{ $this->error("Could not find background image: $path"); } } /** * VOID setRotation(INT $rotate) * Set maximum rotation of every char. */ function setRotation($rotate){ if(is_int($rotate) && $rotate >= 0 && $rotate <=360) $this->_rotate = $rotate; else $this->error("Rotation is not between 0 an 360. Fall back on default."); } /** * STRING $string = randomString(INT $length) * Create a random string. */ function randomString($len){ //no need for this line after php 4.2.0 $str = ""; srand((float)microtime() * 1000000); if($this->_stringType == 'int'){ $str = rand(); while(strlen($str) < $len) $str.= $this->randomString($len); }elseif($this->_stringType == 'char'){ for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) $str.= chr(rand(0,25)+65); }elseif($this->_stringType == 'varchar'){ for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++){ $c = rand(0,42)+48; while($c > 57 && $c < 65) $c = rand(0,42)+48; $str.= chr($c); } } return substr($str,0,$len); } /** * STRING $key = getKey(VOID) * Get the md5 key of the generated string. */ function getKey(){ if(!$this->_string) $this->_string = $this->randomString($this->getCharAmount()); return md5($this->_string); } /** * [BOOL worked =] setBackendPath(STRING $path) * Set the path to the directory where the images are stored. * To have better security, use a path outside the webserver root. * This function is for better security and required when you don't * use sessions. */ function setBackendPath($path){ $p = realpath($path); if(file_exists($path)){ //check if we can write to the backend... $t = $p."/".uniqid('test'); if(@touch($t)){ unlink($t); $this->_backend = $p; $this->cleanBackendDir(); return true; }else{ $this->error("The backend path is not writable for the webserver: $p"); } }else{ $this->error("Could not find the backend path to the image dir: $path"); } $this->error("You do see an image?? You're using the default session backend!"); } /** * VOID cleanBackendDir(VOID) * This method cleans all old key files older than 10 minutes... */ function cleanBackendDir(){ $p = realpath($this->_backend); if(file_exists($p) && $d = opendir($p)){ while (false !== ($file = readdir($d))) { if(substr($file,0,1) != "." && strlen($file) == 32 && (time() - filemtime("$p/$file") > (60 * 10))){ unlink("$p/$file"); } } } } /** * VOID createImage([INT $w] [,INT $h]) * Create image. */ function createImage($w=0,$h=0){ //check for backend if($this->_backend === false){ $this->error("Image couldn't be created. Backend is not set, start session or use setBackendPath(STRING \$path)."); }else{ //we have a backend! $charWidth = array(); //no need for this line after php 4.2.0 srand((float)microtime() * 1000000); //build random string? if(!$this->_string) $this->_string = $this->randomString($this->getCharAmount()); //build and randomize colors for every char if(!count($this->getColors())) $this->setColor('0,0,0'); $colors = array(); while(count($colors) < $this->getCharAmount()) $colors = array_merge($colors,$this->getColors()); shuffle($colors); //build and randomize all fonts ;) just to nagg ocr lamers ;) if(!count($this->getFonts())){ $this->error("There are no fonts defined!!"); }else{ $fonts = array(); while(count($fonts) < $this->getCharAmount()) $fonts = array_merge($fonts,$this->getFonts()); shuffle($fonts); //build random rotation $rotate = array(); while(count($rotate) < $this->getCharAmount()){ for($i=0;$i<$this->_rotate;$i=$i+5){ $rotate[] = $i; $rotate[] = $i * -1; //make negative also } } shuffle($rotate); //messure start size. $width = $height = 0; for($i=0;$i_string);$i++){ $size = imagettfbbox($this->_fontsize, $rotate[$i], $fonts[$i], $this->_string{$i}); $bw = abs($size[2] - $size[0]); $bh = abs($size[5] - $size[3]); $bw+= ($bw / 100) * 30; //add margin $width+= $charWidth[$i] = $bw; if($bh > $height) $height = $bh; } //calc margin $margin = ($height / 100) * 30; $height = $height + $margin; //build new canvas if(!isset($this->_template) && is_array($this->_template) && $this->_template['width']){ //use backround as template eval('$temp = imagecreatefrom'.$this->_template['type'].'($this->_template[\'path\']);'); if(!$w && !$h){ //use background as canvas $w = $this->_template['width']; $h = $this->_template['height']; $image = $temp; }else{ //scale background... $scale = ($h >= $w) ? $h / $this->_template['height'] : $w / $this->_template['width']; $image = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h); imagecopyresampled($image, $temp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, $this->_template['width'], $this->_template['height']); } }else{ //use messured size... if(!$w && !$h){ $w = $width; $h = $height; } //create empty canvas $image = imagecreate($w, $h); list($r,$g,$b) = strpos($this->_backgroundColor,',')>0 ? explode(',',$this->_backgroundColor) : $this->hex2rgb($this->_backgroundColor); $back = imagecolorallocate($image, $r, $g, $b); if($this->_backgroundTransparent === true) imagecolortransparent($image,$back); } //calc font size so it fits ;) $scale = ($h >= $w) ? $height / $h : $width / $w; $fontsize = round($this->_fontsize / $scale); //add string to the image $nextLeft = round((($charWidth[0] / 100) * 15) / $scale); for($i=0;$i_string);$i++){ //get color list($r,$g,$b) = strpos($colors[$i],',')>0 ? explode(',',$colors[$i]) : $this->hex2rgb($colors[$i]); $color = imagecolorallocate($image, $r, $g, $b); //add text.. imagettftext($image, $fontsize, $rotate[$i], $nextLeft, $h - round($margin / $scale), $color, $fonts[$i], $this->_string{$i}); //calc next position... $nextLeft+= round($charWidth[$i] / $scale); } //get the image code... if($this->_backend === true){ //push to session ob_start(); imagepng($image); $_SESSION['STI_imageSource'] = ob_get_contents(); $_SESSION[$this->_STIkeyName] = $this->getKey(); ob_end_clean(); }elseif($this->_backend !== false){ //write to disk imagepng($image,$this->_backend."/".$this->getKey()); } //cleanup if(isset($temp)) imageDestroy($temp); imageDestroy($image); } } } /** * VOID parseImage([STRING $key]) * Parse created image. $key is the md5 key of the generated string * passed by */ function parseImage($key=''){ if($this->_backend === false){ $this->error("No backend configured, could not parse image..."); }else{ header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); if($this->_backend === true){ if($_SESSION['STI_imageSource']) echo $_SESSION['STI_imageSource']; else $this->error("Couldn't find generated image in session."); }elseif($this->_backend !== false){ $path = $this->_backend."/".$key; if(file_exists($path)){ $fp = fopen($path, 'rb'); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($path)); fpassthru($fp); }else{ $this->error("Couldn't find generated image: $path/$key"); } } exit; } } /** * ARRAY $rgb = hex2rgb(STRING $hex); * Make a rgb array from html hex color value... */ function hex2rgb($hex){ $color = str_replace('#','',$hex); return array( hexdec(substr($color,0,2)), hexdec(substr($color,2,2)), hexdec(substr($color,4,2)) ); } } ?>