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P.O. Box 10351,
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South Australia 5000

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23 James Congdon Drive,
Thebarton SA,
Phone: (08) 8352 7977
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All prices are in US Dollars. Note that the sizes are US large! Click on an image to view the range of available products. If you have a particular combination of merchandise and logo(s) that you want that are not shown here, please let us know and we can arrange the combination. If you have some logo's you would like to see here, again please let us know (and send us the high res logo).

BASA Mobile barcode Extreme Broomball
BASA Mobile barcode Colourful Broomball Stick Heads
BASA Mobile barcode Colourful Broomball Stick Heads
Elite Broomball What the HELL is Broomball
Broomball Association of South Australia SA Sharks Goalie
What the HELL is Broomball Help me! I've fallen
SA Sharks logo What the HELL is Broomball
Australian Broomball Championships 2007 SA Sharks Broomball

query("INSERT INTO TG_whos_online (timestamp, ip, file) VALUES('$timestamp','".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."','".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."')") or die("Error in who's online insert query!"); //Delete Users $delete = $mysqli->query("DELETE FROM TG_whos_online WHERE timestamp<$timeout") or die("Error in who's online delete query!"); //Fetch Users Online $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM TG_whos_online") or die("Error in who's online result query!"); $users = $result->num_rows; //Show Who's Online if($users == 1) { print("$users Guest Online \n"); } else { print("$users Guests Online \n"); } $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM TG_whos_online order by id desc limit 0,1") or die("Error in who's online result query!"); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); //Show Who's Online print("and $row[id] visits since 25 July 2006.\n"); // $result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT ip, file FROM TG_whos_online") or die("Error in who's online read result query!"); // while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result) ) //{ // Query for getting visitor countrycode $country_query = "SELECT country_code2,country_name FROM iptocountry WHERE IP_FROM<=inet_aton('".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."') AND IP_TO>=inet_aton('".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."')"; // Executing above query $country_result = $mysqli->query($country_query); // Fetching the record set into an array $ccode_array=$country_result->fetch_assoc(); // getting the country code from the array $country_code=$ccode_array['country_code2']; // getting the country name from the array $country_name=$ccode_array['country_name']; if (strlen($country_name) <= 1) { $country_name = 'HACKERSVILLE'; } $insert = $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO BASA_WEB_STATS (ip, page,country) VALUES('".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."','".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."','$country_name')") or die("Error in who's online insert query!"); // } $mysqli->close(); ?>
BASA Website modified on 26-Mar-18
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