Broomball Tournaments
//Chooses a random number
$num = Rand (1,2);
//Based on the random number, gives a quote
switch ($num)
case 1:
case 2:
The most comprehensive and up to date list of broomball tournaments on the web. Any and all Broomball Tournaments are welcome. If you have a Broomball Tournament that you wish to lodge, please feel free to add it to the Calendar. All entries will be vetted before display (spam). Please enter as much detail as you have about the event. Such as Name, Start Date/End Date, Cost, Contacts, Email, Website, Categories/Divisions etc. It's your Tournament so make it as easy as possible for people to contact you about the event. Note. Winter Carnivals are fine and welcomed as long as there is a Broomball Tournament during the event. If you would like to link to these tournaments, please feel free. See below for details on how to link to the site. Sorry the Public Access for entry of New Tournaments is temporaily disabled for an upgrade aimed at reducing SPAM (it's requiring too many resources to manage the quantity we are getting). If you wish to submit a tournament, please send an email message to the Webmaster - webmaster@basa.org.au. You can also subscribe to an email, mailing list which will send a message out as tournaments are added to the list. Subscriptions can be made from the following page:- Broomball Tournament Email Subscription List Finally a RSS feed (Real Simple Syndication) is availabe to link to, this will also feed any new tournaments to the list. You will need an RSS Newsreader (v2) to receive these items (freely available on the net or in some browsers). Broomball Tournaments RSS Feed
Add Tournament links to your website
//Chooses a random number
$num = Rand (1,2);
//Based on the random number, gives a quote
switch ($num)
case 1:
case 2:
?> To link to these tournament lists. Add the following script to your web page. Note that your website will require PHP to make this link work. <?php require("http://www.basa.org.au/tourneys.php") ?> Alternatively if your site does not have access to PHP you can use these links to the URLs. Paste these URL into your web page:- <a href="http://www.basa.org.au/tourneys.php">Broomball Tournaments</a>
You can also link directly to the Broomball Tournament Calendar, to add additional tournaments or peruse the forthcoming events. Add a new Tournament.
<a href="http://www.basa.org.au/calendar/edit_entry.php">Add a new broomball tournament</a> View the Calendar by <a href="http://www.basa.org.au/calendar/year.php">Year</a> <a href="http://www.basa.org.au/calendar/month.php">Month</a> <a href="http://www.basa.org.au/calendar/week.php">Week</a> <a href="http://www.basa.org.au/calendar/day.php">Day</a> You can also subscribe to a email, mailing list which will send a message out as tournaments are added to the list. The link for this site is:- <a href="http://www.basa.org.au/lists/?p=subscribe" title="Broomball Tournament Mailing List Subscription Page">Broomball Tournament Email Subscription List</a> Finally a RSS feed (Real Simple Syndication) is availabe to link to, this will also feed any new tournaments to the list. The URL link is:- <a href="http://www.basa.org.au/RSS/tournaments.php" REL="source" title="Broomball Tournaments RSS Feed" TYPE="application/rss+xml"><img src="http://www.basa.org.au/imgs/rss.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Subscribe via RSS">Broomball Tournaments RSS Feed</a> | ||||||